Tibet FAQ

(1) Is Kham a Tibetan area? Yes. Many people have a big misconception about Tibet in the world; they think wherever Mt.Everest and Potala Palace is, is the only the region of Tibet. In fact, those places are only a part of Tibet – the western and central region. There are two very important and […]

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Festival dates in Kham

Molam Festival Sershul Monastery    (Lunar 15th January ) Drakgo Monasery(Lunar 15th January  Tibetan Calendar) Kardzi Monastery(  Lunar 15th January  Tibetan Calendar) Horse Racing Festivals Litang Horse Racing Festival (1st August ) Tsangstod Horse Racing Festival l (15th July) Tsangsmad Horse Racing Festival (12th July)

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Packing list

This is just a list of basic things you should pack. For specific needs please contact us.

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